The Most Common Items In Storage Units

People use storage facilities for a variety of reasons. For the most part storage units provide individuals with the valuable space they may lack at home. In addition, people often feel more comfortable storing valuable items in a secure storage facility. Whatever the reason, storage units are fast becoming popular. In today’s post we are going to share what the most common items in storage units are and, additionally, how some of these items can be prepared for storage.

So, What Are The Most Common Items In Storage Units?

You may have arrived here out of sheer curiosity or perhaps you are looking to store items of your own and need some guidance. Without further ado, listed below are 10 common items found in storage.


Furniture is first on our list and an extremely popular storage item. People change their home’s decor often. When this happens, furniture may no longer fit or there may be a conflict of style. People may not have the space at home to store their old furniture nor the time to sell it. This is where storage units come in handy.


Disposing of electronics properly (recycling) can be a challenge. Besides that, there is always a chance that the gamer in us may resurface in the future. This is what makes electronics high on the list of popular self storage items.

Photographs, Books, Magazines

Old family photos and books have a lot of sentimental value. Looking back at old photos connects us to a time we are particularly fond of. Photographs and books do, however, take up a lot of space that people may not have available at home.


Tools are one of the most common items in storage units as they can be easily stored and, for the most part, last forever. Those looking to minimise their tool shed and make more room will seek the support of a storage facility.

Artwork/ Antiques

Antiques and artwork can be a wonderful thing to own and collect. Beautiful antiques are similar to furniture in that they might clash with your decor as it changes. Rather than parting with them, people utilise storage units. This is an especially attractive option for those with expensive items.


In our digital age, items like CDs and DVDs are, sadly, no longer of use. People do still keep these amongst other self storage items as it can be fun to reminisce.


Our taste in certain clothes changes, as does our weight. Styles do come back around however. Clothing items can also be passed down to children or relatives so people opt to store them.

Seasonal Items/ Decorations

The holidays come around once a year. This means we get little use out of our Christmas decorations. Rather than throwing items out, and replacing them every year, a lot of people decide to store decorations.

Musical Instruments

On occasion, we become disinterested in things we used to love. This is often the case with instruments like the guitar. People spend a lot of money on instruments so throwing them away on a whim rarely makes sense. This is why people are so attracted to storage units.


Appliances like fridges, microwaves, toasters are often replaced. If these are still working, people opt to place them in their storage unit. These items may always come in handy if any of your current appliances break.

The Best Way To Store These Common Self Storage Items

By now, you know what some of the most common items in storage units are. If you own any of the above items, and are considering renting a storage unit, you may also wish to know how to prepare them. Taking care to prepare storage items is important as you minimise any damage that can occur during transit.


Where possible, try to keep items in their original boxes with the correct cords. Use bubble wrap inside the boxes of valuable items for added protection.

Artwork/ Antiques

Ensure any antique items are properly wrapped and covered to avoid dust or damage. Posters can be kept in sealed poster tubes. If artwork is framed, ensure it is kept off the ground and covered with a dust sheet. Most common items in storage units do not need extra care and consideration. When storing expensive artwork, however, you may want to enlist the help of a professional (Insurance).


We encourage the use of plastic storage boxes when storing clothes for long periods. Choose boxes that have an airtight lid. This will help your clothes remain dry and free from mould/ mildew.


If you can, dissemble larger furniture and keep any screws in a labelled bag. Give fabric items a thorough clean and use dust sheets/ padding. A lot of the most common items in storage units are susceptible to transit damage and/ or dust.

Musical Instruments

Ideally, instruments such as guitars should be kept in hard cases. This is a more expensive option but will be better for the longevity of the instrument. Amps are relatively sturdy but will need a dust cover.

Photographs, Books, Magazines

Ensure books, and particularly photographs, are kept in protective cases away from light/ heat. If you are using cardboard boxes, be careful to not overfill them as the box is likely to collapse under the weight.

Seasonal Items/ Decorations

If possible, place lights in a way so that they will not get tangled. When you eventually retrieve any self storage items, you do not want to have the painstaking task of sorting them out. Lights are particularly problematic. Also ensure any decorations are turned off. Consider removing the batteries from certain items and keeping them in a small box.

Secure Units For Personal Items

Here at Atrium Self Storage, we help customers in Rotherham and the surrounding areas to store the items that are most valuable to them.

Do you own any of the items on our ‘Most Common Items In Storage Units’ list? Are you looking for peace of mind regarding your self storage items? Our state of the art facilities are a cost effective and secure solution.

Click here for our contact information or, alternatively, give us a call on 01709 718143