How Safe is Self Storage?

Knowing how safe self storage units are is a pressing concern for a lot of us. This is because for the vast majority of people, storage units are used to house important or sentimental items. Understandably when you place valuable items in someone else’s care, you want to be sure they are being well looked after. Today we are going to give an insight into self storage security, and provide an answer to any one asking ‘’are storage units safe?’’.  

Are Storage Units Safe? 

Storage units are a fantastic asset to many people in a number of circumstances. For a small fee, you are awarded your own space which can be used to store a variety of items. If you own valuable items or are short on storage space in your own property, self storage units can be fantastic. 

Of course, when you opt to use a storage facility you are essentially placing your items in someone else’s care. If your items are valuable, or they have a great deal of sentimental value, this can be daunting. 

Thankfully, modern storage facilities like our own are extremely secure. There are certain items that are prohibited, and we would always advise you not to place them into storage. For the most part however, you can store a variety of treasured items without fretting about security. We understand that determining how safe self storage units are is difficult, so we have provided a list of common storage facility features below. 

  • Digital Surveillance 

The vast majority of modern storage facilities have an extensive digital surveillance system. Not only does this deter any potential thieves, but it means that if there is a break in then the criminals are far more likely to be caught. Advances have been in digital surveillance in recent years, and CCTV systems are now able to capture crystal clear video. Here at Atrium, we use the latest systems and have implemented a number of security measures. For example, we have CCTV cameras dedicated to each unit. We also have a range of sensors and intruder alarms, so we are prepared for all eventualities. 

  • Password Protected Access

Modern storage facilities are typically protected by a password security system. This type of system requires a unique code to allow access, which is given to employees and customers only. 

This puts another barrier between the facility and any thieves, as passwords cannot be cloned like keys. At Atrium, we have electronic gate access to our facility. Not only this, but all unit owners are supplied with their own personal security key. As you can see we, as well as other storage facilities, consider how safe our self storage units are in great depth. We try to minimise any opportunity, and always strive to strengthen security measures and protocols. 


  • Good Lighting 

You may wonder how good lighting can offer much in the way of security, but lighting is vitally important in a storage facility. If the facility and your unit is well lit, this will deter trespassers or potential thieves. It is unlikely that someone will try to break into a well lit facility, as they can be identified easily by CCTV systems. Atrium’s lighting systems and motion sensors work concurrently, and allow us to identify any trespassers quickly and efficiently. You can be confident in using our facility, and know that the latest security technologies are working to keep your possessions safe.  

Safe Self Storage: What Can I Do? 

Customers must work with us to ensure the safekeeping of their items and valuable possessions. We take responsibility for the facility, and are always trying to identify ways to improve security. There are, however, measures that customers can take to ensure optimum security is achieved. For example, we advise our customers that insurance should be taken out for the contents of their units. You can contact a member of our team to discuss insurance policies, as they will be able to obtain a policy that offers you the best value for money. 

Moreover, we encourage customers to keep an inventory of their storage unit and check in regularly. There are also prohibited items which we would discourage people from storing. This can be for a number of reasons, but chiefly no storage facility is impenetrable. You can check out our list of prohibited items here

Safe Self Storage By Atrium 

So, are storage units safe? Yes, they are. At Atrium, customer care and security are the highest priority. Not only do we regularly work with our customers to ensure they are happy, but we are always looking to improve security. We understand that people are placing their trust in us, so we promise all our customers that we will do everything to ensure our facilities are secure. We work extremely hard to fulfil this promise, and we are always looking to identify new ways to enhance security. If you have any questions about the topics raised in this article, why not give us a call on 01709 718143.